Street Speech - Walter Rodney A street speech in Guyana by Walter Rodney arguing against racial antagonism and explaining its role in the functioning of capitalism. Note: It…
I've got 99 problems but a class analysis ain't one Some things should have been left in 2011, the mystifying 99 percent slogan is one.
Is the working class movement dead? The following article is loosely based on the notes for a pre-discussion talk by an AF member to a libertarian socialist discussion meeting in…
Intersectionality and the identity politics of class Automatic Writing's October 2013 piece locating intersectionality as a firm and necessary component of class struggle politics, and identifying the risk many critics of intersectionality fall into of reproducing class as an identity itself.
Haiti: Class Analysis of a Crisis An analysis of the Haitian political conflict of the early 2000's which culminated in overthrow (for the second time) of President Jean Paul…
The First Globalisation and Transnational Labour Activism in Southern Africa: White Labourism, the IWW, and the ICU, 1904–1934 Lucien van der Walt on transnational labour activism in Southern Africa in the…
Criminal capital: violence, corruption and class in industrial India Criminal Capital explores the relationship between neoliberalism, criminality and the reshaping of…
Class/segmentation/racialization. Notes - Théorie Communiste Originally published by Théorie Communiste as 'Classe / segmentation / racisation. Notes'…
Lumpenbourgeoisie - Stuart Jan An analysis delving into the emerging fusion of plutocratic elements in the underworld, and surface capitalism.
Making sense of the Brexit tide of reaction and the reality of the racist vote - Andrew Flood Detailed analysis of the UK referendum vote in favour of leaving the European Union…
Education vs the working class - Martin Small A review of Education and the Working Class, by Brian Jackson and Dennis Marsden (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1962, 28s.).
When race burns class: settlers revisited. An interview with J. Sakai An interview about the intersection between race and class.