Marx, individualist communist! (excerpts on the individual) - Karl Marx A collection of excerpts from Marx's works that addresses individuals, their subordination arising…
L'Humanitaire (1841), the first libertarian communist publication (excerpts) Excerpts from L'Humanitaire, a journal published in 1841 in Paris. The journal expressed the…
North Korea: development of national capitalism HERE IS THE WHOLE TEXT (not yet proofread). All the quotations (Karl Marx, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, Mao Zedong, Guy Sabatier...) are taken from …
Notes from a meeting on Nation or Class "The working class has no country!" But what does this really mean, when workers in any given country seem to willingly embrace the idea of the…
Universally interconnected/interdependent conditions of existence - humanaesfera This article seeks to demonstrate that defending "identities", "nations", "ethnic zones", …
The Coming Insurrection: An identity-based construction and existential alternative – Alain C. A 2009 critique of the sensational anarchist best-seller, The Coming Insurrection,…
Against non-life Today the desire to cast off our current way of life is taken as common sense. Whether it’s the life of others we desire to take on or a completely different way of life; striking a…
The KAPD and the proletarian movement – Jacques Camatte A 1971 essay on the KAPD, its positive features (its break with the ideology and practice of social…
The Destructive Character - Walter Benjamin Text published originally in the Frankfurter Zeitung at 20th November 1931.
Speech at the Anniversary of The People's Paper - Karl Marx Delivered at a Chartist banquet in London on April 14, 1856.