Something’s Missing: A Discussion between Ernst Bloch and Theodor W. Adorno on the Contradictions of Utopian Longing Ernst Bloch and Theodor W. Adorno discuss notions of hope, negation, and utopia in…
Editor’s Introduction to Pashukanis - Christopher J. Arthur Evgeny Pashukanis wrote The General Theory of Law and Marxism in 1924. Just as Marx published a…
On a Critical Thinking Under Influence. An Interview with Russell Jacoby Interview with US historian Russell Jacoby.
Critical Theory and Society: A Reader Collection of writings from people associated with the University of Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, or the Frankfurt School
The 10 Most Popular Dogmas of Critical Theory - Marxistische Gruppe The following text is a translation of a section from the book "Arguments against Critical Theory",…
Time, labor, and social domination: a reinterpretation of Marx's critical theory - Moishe Postone A significant text of modern value-form theory. Moishe Postone undertakes a…
Transición - Jacques Camatte & Gianni Collu [1969] En este artículo Gianni Collu y Jacques Camatte retoman los conceptos de dominación (o subsunción) formal y dominación real del capital, tratados…
Against non-life Today the desire to cast off our current way of life is taken as common sense. Whether it’s the life of others we desire to take on or a completely different way of life; striking a…
Grey is the golden tree of life, green is theory - Robert Kurz In this 2007 essay, Robert Kurz examines the question of theory and practice from the perspective of…
The culture industry in the 21st century - Robert Kurz In this revised and expanded version of a 2010 talk, Robert Kurz examines the continuing relevance,…