The Murmuring Volcano - Ecuador's Economic Crisis Article from Black Flag #219 (2000) about the uprising in Ecuador against neoliberalism and "dollarisation".
Balance sheet and perspective of the current proletarian struggles all over the world This past year we see revolts one after the other all over the world: revolts that lead Macron to…
Qué hacer Exposición de la historia del concepto de comunización, acompañada de una crítica de algunos sus usos más recientes y frívolos
1922: Guayaquil General Strike Workers in the southern Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil struck due to increased economic pressures. The strike brought the city to a halt and gained…
Real education: varieties of freedom - David Gribble Gribble describes several different schools around the world with pupils from all backgrounds, and demonstrates how children do better when they…
Complexities of Autonomy: Part Three of Four A brief look at Latin American autonomous movements and their contradictions, third part of a four part overview of autonomous movements
November 15: Class war, memory war! - Proletarios Revolucionarios Translated text from Proletarios Revolucionarios (“Revolutionary Proletarians”) from Ecuador, about…
Announcing @latinlibnews: keeping you up to speed on Latin America in 140 characters Announcing a new Twitter account that will provide irregular and brief updates on social movements…
Ecuador: the President who cried "¡Golpe!” Last Thursday, the world was briefly enthralled by events in Quito, Ecuador, where left-leaning President Rafael Correa called his followers out…
Is Latin America really turning left? James Petras examines recent social movements and developments in the class struggle in Latin America.