John Holloway’s Hope in Hopeless Times – Jeff Shantz An extended review of John Holloway's book Hope in Hopeless Times. From Anarcho-Syndicalist Review,…
Marie Lousie Berneri on Post-War Imperialism in East Asia - Jeff Shantz In the present period of imperialism, marked by debates within anarchist movements over anti…
Prisoners Justice Day at 50: Grassroots Abolition This year marked the 50th annual Prisoners Justice Day (PJD, also Prison Justice Day) which is held every August 10. A day of solidarity among…
Charlotte Wilson (1854-1944) - Jeff Shantz A brief biography of Charlotte Wilson, Fabian Society member and anarchist. Wilson, with Peter Kropotkin, founded the anarchist newspaper Freedom…
Ernst Toller (1893-1939) - Jeff Shantz A brief biography of revolutionary, poet, and playwright Ernst Toller. Apart from his writings Toller is probably most remembered for his part in…
Jean Grave on Colonization – Jeff Shantz This article examines Jean Grave’s pamphlet “Colonization.” “Colonization” remains a compelling, if problematic, polemic. It presents both a…
Camillo Berneri, Decolonization, and the Spanish Revolution - Jeff Shantz This article gives a brief, accessible examination of Camillo Berneri’s perspectives on anti…
Victor Serge’s Anarchist Opposition to Belgian Colonialism in Congo - Jeff Shantz The recent course of imperialism, and debates within anarchist movements over contemporary…
Canadian Labor and Green Transition Bargaining: A Green Syndicalist View - Jeff Shantz Some things are changing, in ways that green syndicalists have predicted. These changes reflect…
Heat Waves/Strike Waves - Jeff Shantz Green syndicalism puts the connectedness of ecological crises and crises of working-class life at the center of analysis—as outcomes of…
Stealing the Commons from the Goose: Fighting the Real Grocery Store Thieves Capitalist law has always existed to protect capitalist enclosers and exploiters and to punish…
Criminal Syndicalism Laws in Canada: Repression During WWI and Today’s Echoes Much has been said about the criminal syndicalism laws in the United States and the outlawing of…