Danger! Official Secret: RSG6 - Spies For Peace A PDF of the notorious document produced by Spies For Peace in 1963 exposing "Regional Seat of Government 6" near Reading in Berkshire - a secret…
Beyond Counting Arses Influential document produced by eight members of the London Committee of 100 in 1963, opposing bureaucracy and promoting direct action. The ideas expressed would feed into the work done by Spies For Peace in exposing "Regional Seats of Government" - secret bunkers for the rich and powerful in the event of nuclear war. According to Maurice Brinton, its authors were "radicals, mainly from or close to Solidarity".
WRP: The Party's Over – Ken Weller Solidarity member Ken Weller reviews the new Workers Revoutionary Party chorus line and finds it parading the same feet of clay.
What is libertarian socialism? An interview with Ken Weller Interview between Flux magazine and Ken Weller, a member of Solidarity, about the nature of libertarian socialism, conducted in 1995.
Looking back at 1956 from 30 years after - Ken Weller Ken Weller from the Solidarity group is interviewed 30 years after the Hungary 56 events about…
The BLSP dispute: the story of the strike - Ken Weller A detailed account and analysis of an important strike at the British Light Steel Pressings plant…
Standard Triumph strike: the full facts - Solidarity An account and lessons of the unofficial strike by 126 workers at the Standard Triumph Service Depot 24 April-14 June, 1961. Written by George…
What next for engineers? - Ken Weller 1972 reprint by Big Flame of a Solidarity pamphlet by Ken Weller about the learnings for workers from the ten-week strike at Ford Dagenham in…
Busmen, what next? - Solidarity Solidarity pamphlet 16, published 21 January, 1964 and written mostly by London bus workers. It looks at the life of the workers, past struggles,…
G.M.W.U.: scab union - Mark Fore A close look at the General and Municipal Workers Union by "Mark Fore": a pseudonym of Ken Weller. It was published by Solidarity (London) in…