1912: The San Diego free speech fight A history of the most violent of the Free Speech Fights. A combination of police brutality and vigilante terror was unleashed against the IWW and…
1979: The White Night Riot Brief history of what became known as the White Night Riots in the aftermath of the murder of openly gay supervisor Harvey Milk and progressive…
1977-83: Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Protest Disapearnces in Argentina A history of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo. A group of Mothers whose children had been killed and…
Ferguson is Familiar to Indigenous Australians: Larissa Behrendt Indigenous Australia knows the cynicism exposed by Michael Brown’s killing in Ferguson
1977-88: Brazilian Rubber Tappers Campaign Against Deforestation Article about the attempt of Rubber Tappers to organise that was linked to the struggle to protect…
1922: Guayaquil General Strike Workers in the southern Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil struck due to increased economic pressures. The strike brought the city to a halt and gained…
1953: Prisoner Strikes at the Vorkuta Gulag In 1953 following news of Stalin's death inmates in gulag complex in Vorkuta struck in protest of their conditions. In response the Soviet…
1935: Cuban General Strike After the defeat of the Dictator Gerardo Machado Cuba was governed by a Junta headed by Batista and Mendieta. In 1935 another General Strike sort to forced the Junta to restore civilian rule. In response Batista unleashed a wave of state terror.
The human costs of militarization in Latin America - Arturo Jimenez An article about the establishment of Operation Condor, an alliance between multiple right wing…
CIA Death Squads: Allan Nairn Allan Nairn on the decades of direct CIA involvement in Guatemalan death squads.
Reagan Administrations links with Guatemala's Terrorist Government: Alan Nairn An article detailing the peak in US-Guatemalan collaboration in state terror.
Behind the Death Squads: An exclusive report on the US role in El Salvador's official terror Article explaining the origins and extent of US assistance in the establishment of…