Human Dignity: Social Autonomy and the Critique of Capitalism - Werner Bonefeld, Kosmas Psychopedis 2005 book edited by Open Marxists Werner Bonefeld and Kosmas Psychopedis. Against…
The Politics of Change: Globalization, Ideology and Critique - Werner Bonefeld and Kosmas Psychopedis Collection released in 2000, edited by Open Marxists Werner Bonefeld and Kosmas…
Open Marxism 3: Emancipating Marx Open Marxism 3: Emancipating Marx was released in 1995. The introduction to volume 3 is included below along with the full PDF. For a fuller…
Open Marxism 2: Theory and Practice Open Marxism 2: Theory and Practice was released with volume 1 in 1992. The introduction to volume 2 is included below along with the full PDF…
Open Marxism 1: Dialectics and History Open Marxism 1: Dialectics and History was released with volume 2 in 1992. The introduction to volume 1 gives an overview of Open Marxism and is…