The stopwatch and the wooden shoe: Scientific management and the Industrial Workers of the World Mike Davis on the introduction of Taylorist management techniques to break up…
1930-present: Labour unrest and the successive geographical restructuring of the world automobile industry - Beverly Silver Beverly Silver traces the growth of workers power in the auto industry and the…
Origins of the job structure in the steel industry - Katherine Stone Katherine Stone analyses how workers' control in the US steel industry in the 19th century was…
Out of the frying pan - a critical look at works councils Works Councils, far from empowering people, act as a tool by which management can control and pacify…
Proletarian management: Informal workplace organization - Kämpa Tillsammans Interesting article about informal workplace organising, management tactics and suggestions for…
1980s-1990s: The Myths of the Toyota System Nomura Masami on the myths of the Toyota system of management, in PDF format.