Queer Anarcho Communism: An Atemporal Approach This is a collection of an essay, the Queer Anarchist Communist Manifesto, and the writings created to go along with it. The sections are as…
Great Anarchists - Ruth Kinna and Clifford Harper Collection of 10 short biographies of notable anarchists by Ruth Kinna and illustrated by Clifford Harper.
Anarchy #092: Risinghill and Kilquhanity Issue of Anarchy magazine published in October 1968, issue is dedicated to education.
Der politische Liberalismus - Max Stirner Das ist eine der härtesten Kritiken, die je über politischen Liberalismus verübt wurde. Natürlich sollte nicht Alles, was Denkern und…
The Worker and the Government - Max Stirner Short excerpt from Stirners Unique and its Property focussing on the proletariat and its relationships with government.
Political Liberalism - Max Stirner Stirner's essay on the for him modern state and liberal ideology that it promoted and depended on.
The Unique and Its Property The Unique and Its Property brings to the world a radical view: egoism, the notion that the individual is the measure of all things. Max Stirner…