The New Left: a case study in professional-managerial class radicalism - Barbara and John Ehrenreich The second part of the Ehrenreich's text on the professional managerial class…
Who Ran the SLA? - Dick Russell Investigative journalism article from 1976, casting the strange Symbionese Liberation Army as a creation of Operation CHAOS.
On a Critical Thinking Under Influence. An Interview with Russell Jacoby Interview with US historian Russell Jacoby.
Rank and File: Personal Histories by Working-Class Organizers - Alice and Staughton Lynd Collection of personal histories from working-class organizers edited by Alice and…
The Poverty of Theory and Other Essays - E.P. Thompson Collection of essays by English Marxist historian E.P. Thompson, including his popular polemic…
Paths to Paradise: On the Liberation from Work - André Gorz In this book, Andre Gorz returns to Marx's Grundrisse and the prophecy of early nineteenth century…
Putting it all on Red - The Michael Laski Story A tale of gambling, violence and betrayal in 60s America. Starring a romantic rebel hounded by his inner demons.
Images from Radical America Images from Radical America, a magazine associated with the New Left and published from 1967-1999.
Sharing the pains, indignities and anger: the New Left's strategy of "industrialization" An interview with a former member of the Revolutionary Socialist League, which put…