Marx, Trotsky and the Party Text by the Swedish Council Communist Förbundet Arbetarmakt on the question of party and revolutionary organization. Originally published in …
The 2020-21 Bordeaux Dérive - Jack de Montreuil Written by Jack de Montreuil / Tridni Vallka / Dialectical Delinquents. Put together with further comment plus details regarding attacks on MOMA …
Paris Komünü Üzerine Tezler - Sitüasyonist Enternasyonal "On dokuzuncu yüzyılın en büyük festivali" olan Paris Komünü üzerine Sitüasyonistlerin düşünceleri.
Surrealism and the Radical Reenchantment of Reality This essay is an exploration of surrealist practice, its connections with anarchism, and its attempt to radically re-enchant the world.
Barricade Bulletin 13 - April/May 2021 Issue 13 of Barricade Bulletin, with articles on the struggle at Debenhams, further education college strikes in Northern Ireland, local…
150th anniversary of the “Paris Commune”
La Commune by the Cinema of the People [video] Armand Guerra's 1914 film commemoration of the 1871 Paris Commune
Against the Logic of the Guillotine: Why the Paris Commune Burned the Guillotine—and We Should Too Crimethinc examine the history behind the guillotine, its current popularity as a…
The Paris Commune: A Contested Legacy. Lessons of The Commune - The Anarchist Federation of Britain From Organise No.77----Winter 2011.