Fred Vermorel in Paris, May 1968 An entertaining and atmospheric account of May 68 from street level, alongside amusing correspondence betweed Fred and the libcom group.
France: Victory for KFC workers After a three-day strike non-unionised workers at the Saint-Denis Basilique branch of KFC won a series of concessions from management.
Clashes between striking firefighters and Paris police There have been serious clashes betwen striking firefighters and police in Paris today during…
About the Frog Pubs strike, 2003 Detailed article about the struggle of Sri Lankan Tamil migrant workers in Paris against British pub chain Frog.
Signac, Paul, 1863-1935 A short biography of Paul Signac a French neo-impressionist painter and anarchist who, working with Georges Seurat, helped develop the…
2003: Frog pubs strike An account of a strike of mostly Sri Lankan workers, aided by outside militants, at a British-owned pub chain in France, which won some concessions for the workers.
1871: The Paris Commune A brief history of the world's first socialist working class uprising. The workers of Paris, joined by mutinous National Guardsmen, seized the…
Debord, in the Resounding Cataract of Time - David Blanchard A remembrance of the author's friendship with Guy Debord in the late 1950s and early 60s - with some…
Sorbonne re-occupied on first day back On Monday, students re-entered the Sorbonne for the first day since it was occupied in March against the now-repealed employment law the CPE.