Summer in Gdansk - Solidarity Solidarity booklet produced in late 1980 about the mass strikes in Poland which had just ended in huge victory for the workers who had made a mixture of economic and political demands.
Poland 1980-1982: Class struggle and the crisis of capital - Henri Simon Henri Simon's brilliant and detailed account and analysis of the militant working class struggles in…
History of ten years - Encyclopedie des Nuisances Analysis of the outbreaks of class struggle in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Poland that took place between 1974 and 1984, published by the…
1980: Poland mass strikes - Henri Simon Henri Simon's account of the successful strike wave which swept Poland in the summer of 1980 when the government raised the price of meat.
Poznan 1956 and Radom 1976 A background report for Radio Free Europe written in 1981, detailing the workers uprisings in Poznan '56 and Radom '76. Readers should bear in…
Gasping from out the Shallows: Reflections on revolution in the early twenty-first century A text by Wayne Spencer giving an overview of struggles in the UK, Poland, South…