Hunter-Gatherers and Human Evolution: New light on old debates - Richard B. Lee A leading specialist on hunter-gatherers exposes Steven Pinker’s poorly-researched claims that…
Gender egalitarianism made us human: A response to David Graeber & David Wengrow's 'How to change the course of human history' - by Camilla Power In an ambitious recent article in Eurozine David Graeber and David Wengrow try to…
The illusion of the precapitalist gift - humanaesfera What was the precapitalist gift? In what concrete material circumstances did it make sense? Here, we…
Against Civilization - John Zerzan The anthology 'Against Civilization', first published in 1999 by Uncivilized Books, is a well-regarded primer to anti-civ thought. For communists, it contains some valuable texts that are worth reflecting on.
Jacques Camatte and the new politics of liberation - Dave Antagonism A compilation of a series of articles that were spread over three issues of 'Green Anarchy' (#18, …
The brain of society: notes on Bordiga, organic centralism, and the limitations of the party form - C. Derrick Varn Article examining Bordiga's idea that after the international class war is won, the…
The Proliferation of Neo-Primitives Neo-primitives prefer an imaginary past to the work of creating a different society.
Primitivism in technological society - Miquel Amorós In these notes for a 2006 talk, Miquel Amorós depicts primitivism as an example of “false…
Primitive communism and women's role in its emergence How did human evolution give rise to a species whose very survival is based on mutual confidence and…
A Review of Jared Diamond's 'The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies?'
Primitivism and history - Miguel Amorós An index of key quotations from the utopian and philosophical predecessors of today's primitivism, from Diogenes to Battaille, via the bagaudae,…
Engels was Right: Early Human Kinship was Matrilineal The earliest human institution was not the nuclear family. The latest research now indicates that it…