Rojava: reality and rhetoric - Gilles Dauvé and T.L. A detailed critical analysis of the "Rojava revolution". This is a much enlarged version of 'Kurdistan?' written by G.D. and T.L published on…
Class War 03/2016: IRAQ 1991 – Class war and bourgeois containment It was a quarter of a century ago, on March 7th, 1991, when the proletarian uprising in Iraq against…
Democratic Confederalism in Kurdistan This article examines the theory and practice of democratic confederalism in Bakur and Rojava, and goes on to discuss how we can engage in…
The Experience of Co-operative Societies in Rojava TEV DEM - the Movement for a Democratic Society - is a broad-based organisation playing a key role in guiding the development of Rojava's…
Social war and imperialist spider’s web in Syria (2011-2015) by Proletarios Internacionalistas "Guerra social y telaraña imperialista en Siria (2011-2015)" Here is a very fast…
Our attitude towards Rojava must be critical solidarity A Kurdish anarchist reflects critically on the Rojava revolution, its positive aspects and some…
Revolution in Rojava? - La Oveja Negra We publish here a contribution (we have also translated from Spanish to French, English and Czech) synthesizing a series of critical discussions…
¿REVOLUCIÓN EN ROJAVA? Here is a very interesting text in Spanish about Rojava, written and published by comrades in Argentina of the BIBLIOTECA Y ARCHIVO HISTORICO…
La dure réalité de la Révolution au Rojava – d’après un témoin oculaire anarchiste Nous publions ici une nouvelle contribution (que nous avons traduite en français) du (ou des)…
Our perspective and tasks on the Rojava Revolution A statement from Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra on the Rojava Revolution, its complexities, the international…
The grim reality of the Rojava Revolution - from an anarchist eyewitness In 2014, when David Graeber and others began claiming that a genuine anti-capitalist revolution was…