SORWUC [the Service, Office and Retail Workers' Union of Canada] - Frances Rooney A 1978 article on SORWUC, a union formed with the intent to organize in industries traditionally…
Solidarity Federation to agency workers: together we can fight back and win! The past couple of months have seen SolFed engage in an escalating “disruptive action” campaign to…
Night of the living geeks - how I learned to start worrying and hate the cuties Geeks are a nice species of creature. Cutely dressed, delicate, fragile, softly spoken to the point…
How to actually enjoy your incredibly inane and stupid job now and then without becoming a brainwashed zombie Greta Christina's 30 ways to improve your working life.
IBM: From the Guts of the Monster Below is a transcription of the conversation we held last December with a compañero [literally "companion," but often has a sense closer to "comrade" -- trans.] of ours who has worked at IBM for many years and has seen how the great multinational of informática ["informatics" refers to computers and telecommunications -- trans.] has transformed labor conditions such that its workers no longer enjoy a privileged…
From Cordoba CNT-AIT, Solidarity in the conflict against the multinational EULEN. The conflict started in the University of Córdoba where EULEN has a contract for maintenance and…
Sleep-workers enquiry - Endnotes Worker's enquiry in the cynical mode: the unrevolutionary working life of the web developer.
Lose jobs now: ask me how! An account of casual work, sabotage and getting sacked in the service industry, by Zoe Noe.
Gurgaon: Whose security is it anyway? Reports from Security Guards in Gurgaon, one of them employed by G4S, formerly known as Group4. The worker reports about the massive and open money swindle the company undertakes. Another guard reports why he had to work 48 hours without a break.