1419-today: Czech anarchism A brief but detailed history of anarchist ideas and the anarchist movement in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bohemia.
1642-1652: The Diggers and the Levellers A history of the radical movements the Diggers and the Levellers which sprung up around the English Civil War.
1971-1974: Green bans by builders in Australia A history of the massive campaign of industrial action by building workers which protected the environment and local communities by enacting…
A Declaration From the Poor Oppressed People of England A declaration from the poor oppressed people of England, directed to all those that call themselves,…
The True Levellers Standard Advanced A printable pamphlet version of The True Levellers Standard Advanced. Presented in PDF format (80kb).
The True Levellers standard advanced - Gerrard Winstanley The rousing 1640s communist vision of Gerrard Winstanley & The Diggers...
Is Latin America really turning left? James Petras examines recent social movements and developments in the class struggle in Latin America.
The New Movement - Henri Simon Influential in its day and expressing the optimism of its times, this text describes the characteristics of the New Movement of class struggle of the 1960s and 70s and its relationship to the Old Movement...
Cuba: The anarchists and liberty - Frank Fernandez A pamphlet written in 1987 by Frank Fernandez, with introduction by Sam Dolgoff, about the Cuban anarchist and workers' movements from the mid…
The anarchist movement in Japan, 1906-1996 - John Crump John Crump's history of anarchism and the anarchist movement in Japan from the beginning of the 20th…
France: CPE employment law scrapped after mass protests Following weeks of mass protest which have swept the country Jacques Chirac has announced the replacement of the CPE with a device in favour of getting disadvantaged young people into work.