After Aberfan: The Whitewash – Tom Brown Syndicalist Tom Brown on the official Inquiry into the 1966 Aberfan Disaster.
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 7 #10 (64) Oct 1966 Direct Action from October 1966 including: TUC weak on Wilson's wage freeze - Tom Brown, South Africa, workplace disputes roundup, police…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 6 #06 (48) June 1965 June 1965 issue of Direct Action, includig: Labour Party doesn't nationalise steel industry, uprising in Dominica, workplace struggles round up,…
Abolition of the Wages System – Tom Brown A short article on the wages system and the life of factory workers in 1965 by Tom Brown of the Syndicalist Workers Federation.
What is automation? - Tom Brown Syndicalist Workers Federation article from 1964 contrasting the spectre of automation vs the reality of shopfloor "efficiencies" via time and…
Controversy: Trade Unionism or Syndicalism? - Tom Brown and Peter Turner An exchange of views in the pages of the Syndicalist Workers Federation paper Direct Action in 1964. Typed up by Kate Sharpley Library.
Fighting for the nine-hour day - Tom Brown From: World Labour News, May/June 1962. Transcribed by Kate Sharpley Library.
The British General Strike: 1926 - Tom Brown An article by Tom Brown on the 1926 general strike, which originally appeared in War Commentary Nov-Dec 1942. Republished as a pamphlet by…
What’s Wrong with the Unions? A Syndicalist Answer A look from the 1950s at the limitations of Trade Unions, and a recommendation of a syndicalist approach to organising.
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 5 #02 (32) Feb 1964 Volume 5, Issue 2 of Direct Action, with articles on a Labour-backed unemployment demo, construction disputes at St Paul's cathedral, direct…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 5 #01 (31) Jan 1964 Volume 5, Issue 1 of Direct Action, with articles on Committee of 100 members being imprisoned, a strike by construction workers at St. Paul's…
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 2 #03 March 1962 Volume 2, Issue 3 of Direct Action, with articles on calls for a general strike against a wage freeze, Guyana's supposedly anticolonial rulers…