1964: British troops put down mutinies in post-colonial Kenya, Tanganyika and Uganda Just one month following Kenya's official independence, Jomo Kenyatta invited British troops to put…
Wartime strikes in Kenya - Makhan Singh Makhan Singh on wartime strikes in Kenya, including struggles against conscript labour, railway strikes, and a general strike in Uganda in…
The post-war strike wave in East, West, and Southern Africa From the end of the Second World War until the mid-'60s there was a wave of strikes in British East…
The East African Railway Strike, 1959-60: labour’s challenge of inter-territorialism David Hyde examines a pivotal working-class struggle which erupted within East Africa’s transport…
The Development of Trade Unions in Uganda Roger Scotts history of the development of Trade Unions in Uganda, published 1966.
The Looting of the Congo: Colette Braekman Article on the cause and human costs of the second Congo War (1998-2003) a civil war that involved multiple armed groups, most backed by large…
Imperialism and Fascism in Uganda Mamdani argues that neo-colonialism means fascism for the working masses in the Third World.