We are an image from the future: the Greek revolt of December 2008 A collection of interviews, recollections, communiqués and articles about the December 2008 uprising…
On Vietnam - Ngo Van Xuyet Extracts of articles about class struggle and the revolutionary movement in Vietnam in the 1930s and 40s written by Ngo Van Xuyet.
Apology for the Algerian insurrection - Jaime Semprun Translated extracts of a pamphlet on the 2001 Algerian insurrection.
Solidarnosc: trade unionism in Poland - Subversion Subversion look at Solidarność's role in the uprisings which preceded the end of Stalinist rule in Poland.
The Poltava uprising against the Bolsheviks, 1920 A short account of the large scale uprising against the Bolsheviks throughout Poltava province in the Ukraine.
'As many enemies as there are slaves’: Spartacus and the politics of servile rebellion in the late republic A short essay on the politics (real and imagined) of the Three Servile Wars that…
Spartacus revolt: inspiration for the proletariat While waiting to hear someone justify what looks at first sight at least like an attempt to sell the Spartacus story as a form of pornography, it…
May-June 1968 - A Situation Lacking in Workers' Autonomy Mouvement Communiste's detailed history and analysis of the movement of May-June 1968 in France.
The Everyday Lives of Parisian Women and the October Days of 1789 - David Garrioch 'The men are holding back, the men are cowards . . . we will take over' On 5 October 1789 thousands…
Ceylon: the JVP uprising of April 1971 - Solidarity Excellent pamphlet by Solidarity London about the uprising launched by the socialist youth organisation the JVP in Sri Lanka in April 1971.
1977: Egypt's bread intifada A short history of the country-wide uprising against the termination of state subsidies for basic commodities in January 1977. Despite savage…
The Kolesnikov uprising A short account of the uprising against the Bolsheviks led by Ivan Kolesnikov, like Fomin and Sapozhkov an ex-Red Army man.