Wildcat journal (UK) Online archive of the newsletter and journal of the UK communist group Wildcat, published in the 1980s and 1990s.
SWP: The party of god - Wildcat Leaflet produced by Wildcat in 1988 concerning the First Gulf War (that is, Iran versus Iraq). It compares the position of the Socialist Workers…
Capitalism and its revolutionary destruction - Wildcat Wildcat's "manifesto", their attempt to explain their world view in one short pamphlet. Published in…
Workerism - Wildcat (UK) Wildcat's critique of the crude ideology of workerism (which should not be confused with operaism, which is sometimes translated as "workerism").
Against democracy - Wildcat (UK) The text of an introductory talk held in London and Brighton in 1993, outlining communist opposition to democracy.
How socialist is the Socialist Workers Party? - Wildcat Wildcat (UK)'s analysis of Britain's most high-profile far-left group, and its role during the…
The inhumanity of humanitarian aid - Wildcat (UK) Article looking at the use of 'humanitarian' aid as a way of perpetuating war and reproducing capitalist social relations, as a means of social control, during the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s.