Solidarity (Glasgow)

Partial archive of the journal published by the Glasgow group of UK libertarian socialist group, Solidarity, from 1965.

Submitted by W0rkers on October 26, 2017

Solidarity (Glasgow) #1.01

The first issue of Solidarity published by the Glasgow Solidarity group with articles on a bus dispute, local youth gangs and more.

Submitted by Steven. on November 18, 2017


  • Why Solidarity
  • Capitalism today
  • Resolutionaries
  • Gangs and politics – George Billson
  • Listen with mother – Edith Blythman
  • Bus dispute – John Thompson
  • Peace meal – Tom Macdonald
  • Action
  • The Queen and the ILP


Glasgow1.1.pdf (1.36 MB)


Solidarity (Glasgow) #1.02

Solidarity for workers’ power– Glasgow – Volume 1 - Number 2 – April 1965

Submitted by W0rkers on October 26, 2017


A bureaucratic death-wish by John Harris
Militants, look out by George Billson
Prince for peace
Student action
Subversives at work by C.I. McGarvie
Our man in Havana, a letter from Sid Williamson
Breakaway union
The war that never was, Ireland 1922-1923
A criticism by Dave C.
Life in little Scotland by D.Y.C.



Solidarity (Glasgow) #1.03

Issue of Solidarity Glasgow from May 1965 with articles about workers' organisation at Remington, science, war and more.

Submitted by Steven. on November 18, 2017


  • May day: the unofficial truth – George Williamson
  • Faslane
  • Science and industrial democracy – Alan Parker
  • Organisation at Remington
  • Scots against war – John Thompson
  • Dobbie McInnes 12 week strike
  • Support for the Linwood men
  • About ourselves


Glasgow1.3.pdf (1.2 MB)


Solidarity (Glasgow) #1.04

Solidarity for workers’ power– Glasgow – Volume 1 - Number 4

Submitted by W0rkers on October 26, 2017


The subwaymen by J. Fyfe
The Moscow buses by Maria O’Neil
The mutiny by B.L. Wallace
About ourselves
Letter from a nurse
Gang song
Thoughts on bureaucracy by Bob Potter
The long resolution, a song by E. Morse

