Issue of Anarchy magazine from April 1962 dealing with pacifism and direct action. Copied to clipboard Disobedience and the new pacifism (Nicolas Walter) The state and society (Colin Ward) Gandhi on the theory of voluntary servitude (Gene Sharp) Attachments AnarchyNo.14_text.pdf (3.28 MB) AnarchyNo.14.epub (89.32 KB) (117.61 KB) Disobedience and the New Pacifism The State and Society Gandhi on the Theory of Voluntary Servitude Book traversal links for Anarchy #014 The Habit of Direct Action Up Disobedience and the New Pacifism Printer-friendly version direct action pacifism mobi epub PDF Comments
The revolution of everyday life - Raoul Vaneigem Raoul Vaneigem was one of the most important thinkers within the Situationist International as well as frequent editor of their journal…
Reading capital politically - Harry Cleaver Harry Cleaver's seminal work on forming a practical, political interpretation of Marx's Capital.
1980: The Remaking of the American Working Class - Loren Goldner The changing nature of capital and its exploitation.
Capital - Karl Marx The complete text online of Marx's Magnum Opus, Capital: a critique of political economy, a devastating critical analysis of capitalism.
Beer and revolution: The German anarchist movement in New York City, 1880-1914 - Tom Goyens Tom Goyens' book on the German-speaking anarchist movement in New York City in the…