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Title Submitted by Comments Posted
Nakov, Alexander Metodiev: his life and 'crimes' Steven. 21 5 years 10 months ago
The SS Columbia Eagle mutiny, 1970 - Steven Johns Steven. 3 5 years 10 months ago
The untold history of armistice and the end of World War I Jared 2 5 years 10 months ago
Catalyst from Jacobin (2017-) jondwhite 3 5 years 10 months ago
Mutinies 1917-1920 - Dave Lamb libcom 7 5 years 10 months ago
Socialism, Politics and Sectarianism jondwhite 1 5 years 10 months ago
“Speak out now when others grow silent”: The Messenger, the IWW and debates over new negro radicalism - George Robertson Juan Conatz 6 5 years 10 months ago
10/11/18 Leicester ACG meeting on the end of World War 1 Serge Forward 4 5 years 10 months ago
Politics at Work Nate 1 5 years 10 months ago
New pamphlet by the Solidarity Federation Anonymous 110 5 years 10 months ago
Libertarian Communism 2018: Advancing The Class Struggle, Dayschool Battlescarred 9 5 years 10 months ago
Global Warming: Capitalism Threatens the Planet Internationalist Communist Tendency 5 5 years 10 months ago
Organising ourselves is the first and main step towards our aim zaher 2 5 years 10 months ago
Anarchist Communist Group public meeting on Dead End of Corbynism Battlescarred 12 5 years 10 months ago
Corbynism in power R Totale 1 5 years 10 months ago
Replies to the "but the owner bought the tools" argument? explainthingstome 53 5 years 10 months ago
Paul Mason: 'the end of capitalism has begun' Joseph Kay 46 5 years 10 months ago
What is the class position of those in the informal sector? Is There No Alternative 6 5 years 10 months ago
This Halloween...Abolish The Zombie Monarchy! LAMA 4 5 years 10 months ago
Favorite YouTubers Lucky Black Cat 64 5 years 10 months ago