A reading of Bob Black's Abolition of Work. Copied to clipboard Link https://youtu.be/2X3MyX2SaQw Mp3 can be downloaded here. Book traversal links for Abolition of Work In Praise of Idleness Up Printer-friendly version Bob Black anti-work Comments
Bob Black : La abolo de la laboro ENKONDUKO DE LA TRADUKINTO Unu el la plej gravaj institucioj en nia moderna socio estas la laboro. La Abolo de la laboro de Bob Black estas la…
Anti Work Essays - Audio Anarchy A selection of audio essays arguing for opposition to the concept of work and the damage done by the economic and social relationship.
In defence of working class existence as choice We read and reviewed David Ranney’s “Living and dying on the factory floor”, which was about his decision to put his academic career on hold and…
The police and the black wageless - Race Today A Race Today statement on mugging, policing, unemployment and the refusal of Shitwork from January 1975.