An extract from Bertrand Russell's essay in Praise of Idleness. Copied to clipboard Link Mp3 can be downloaded here. Book traversal links for In Praise of Idleness The Decline and Fall of Work Up Abolition of Work Printer-friendly version Bertrand Russell anti-work Comments
Socialist humanism: an international symposium - Edited by Erich Fromm Out of Print collection on socialist humanism edited by Erich Fromm published in 1965.
Two jobs with one stone - Reports about working at London Linen and Skinny Bakery A friend of ours summarised his experiences about working at two west London workplaces as a…
Class strategy: Red and Black Notes interview AngryWorkers Original published here:…
Capital and the Left - Nicole Cox and Silvia Federici Against the pro-work left. Published by Falling Wall Press, 1975.
War crimes in Vietnam - Bertrand Russell A book-length critique of America's invasion of Vietnam, published in 1967, in which Russell appeals to Americans to protest the war effort.
Bob Black : La abolo de la laboro ENKONDUKO DE LA TRADUKINTO Unu el la plej gravaj institucioj en nia moderna socio estas la laboro. La Abolo de la laboro de Bob Black estas la…