An online archive of Anarchist Youth - a UK journal from the 1960s with contributors including Charles Radcliffe, Mark Hendy and Wynford Hicks.

The first two issues were named "Anarchist Student". A total of five issues were published 1963-4.
"We changed the title of Anarchist Student to Anarchist Youth in the third issue noting that 'not all our writers or readers are students'. Several themes dominated: the attempt to develop a positive anarchist theory of non-violent action; moves to federate the various British anarchist groups and inevitably Spain where repression continued and assassinating Franco was still being seriously discussed – and sometimes attempted.
The other editors over the five issues we published were Adrian Cunningham (a Cambridge student), Charles Radcliffe (later a Situationist), Mark Hendy (of the Syndicalist Workers’ Federation) and Leo Valle (FIJL, Spanish anarchist youth)."
Insulting behaviour...and other misdemeanours - Wynford Hicks
“I was briefly involved with Anarchist Student (AS) edited by my friend Wynford Hicks, debonair, handsome, red-headed Oxford graduate, member of the Syndicalist Workers’ Federation and fellow Committee [of 100] activist, along with Adrian Cunningham from Cambridge. We had considerable help from Di and Gaby Charing, later a Heatwave contributor, then in unrequited love with Wynford.
In Reason is Six Sevenths of Treason I called the Marham demos ‘the most significant challenges to the authorities so far by the Committee of 100’, a view widely held. (Later that year, I would question this. We occupied a runway for around an hour but it was an isolated event and as a challenge, insignificant. How could a few hundred non-violent protesters really openly challenge the nuclear State? I always knew the Spies [For Peace] would be difficult to follow. By year’s end I would feel that it had been the radical disarmers’ high watermark, after which anything, everything, was distressingly low-key.)
AS was renamed Anarchist Youth (so that I could join the so-called editorial board!) and AY3 (October 1963) carried my inept defence of strategic non-violence – at this point we were very friendly with the radical pacifist Committee of 100 secretary Peter Moule though he is not to blame for my ineptitude – and Wynford’s passionate plea for anti-Franco activism by new generation anarchists. Di’s poem, urging a pigeon to crap on Henry Brooke, was the highlight. (Latent sexism was indicated by the fact that we didn’t even think of putting Di or Gaby, who both worked hard on production and editorial content, on the all-male editorial board!)”
Don't Start Me Talking - Charles Radcliffe