A complete online archive of Heatwave, a London-based, situationist-influenced magazine that appeared in two editions in 1966.

Heatwaves 1 & 2 emerged in 1966. Heatwave 3, largely drafted, was never published though the front cover featured in Dancin’ in the Streets. Charles Radcliffe and Chris Gray joined L’Internationale Situationniste in October 1966 and for that reason it was never published.
Heatwave 1 & 2 were direct descendants of The Chicago Rebel Worker and came from the revolutionary ferment that surrounded us. Heatwave 1 was a more or less solo effort whereas Heatwave 2 was edited by Charles Radcliffe and Chris Gray. This magazine, though amateurish in appearance, was very influential.
From: http://charlieradcliffe.com/heatwave/
Other Heatwave related bits
Other Heatwave related bits here: