Archive of Anarchos, an anarchist publication produced by the Eastside Anarchist Group out of New York during the late 1960s. Copied to clipboard Anarchos No. 2 (Spring 1968) Book traversal links for Anarchos Anarchos No. 2 (Spring 1968) Printer-friendly version United States 1960s New York publications Anarchos Eastside Anarchist Group PDF Comments
Vanguard: a libertarian communist journal A complete online archive of Vanguard, an anarchist publication based out of New York during the 1930s.
Queens, hookers, and hustlers: Organizing for survival and revolt amongst gender-variant sex workers, 1950-1970 A selection from Mack Friedman’s Strapped for Cash: A History of American Hustler…
Covers of Against the Grain A PDF of some covers from the 1970s libertarian socialist publication, Against the Grain.
Anarchy comics Anarchy Comics was a series of comics produced by the San Francisco based publisher Last Gasp, between 1978 and 1987. Here are all four published comics in PDF format.
The American Owl Complete archive of all 10 issues of The American Owl, a short-lived autonomist Marxist publication by Donna Demac and Philip Mattera in 1978 and 1979.