Archive of Anarchos, an anarchist publication produced by the Eastside Anarchist Group out of New York during the late 1960s. Copied to clipboard Anarchos No. 2 (Spring 1968) Book traversal links for Anarchos Anarchos No. 2 (Spring 1968) Printer-friendly version United States 1960s New York publications Anarchos Eastside Anarchist Group PDF Comments
Vanguard: a libertarian communist journal A complete online archive of Vanguard, an anarchist publication based out of New York during the 1930s.
Queens, hookers, and hustlers: Organizing for survival and revolt amongst gender-variant sex workers, 1950-1970 A selection from Mack Friedman’s Strapped for Cash: A History of American Hustler…
Anarchism and AIDS activism A pamphlet on anarchist organization amidst the Aids epidemic, most notably the formation of the direct action network ACT UP in New York City in…
Gays take on cops: From rage to madness The following is a report by Howard Blum in The Village Voice (Sept. 3, 1970) of a gay march/riot that took place in NYC on August 29, 1970. The…
MESA Educator newspaper This is a collection of newspapers from the Mechanic's Educational Society of America, called The Educator, from 1944-1952