Issue of Anarchy magazine from February 1962. Copied to clipboard Who Are The Anarchists? / The anarchist personality (Tony Gibson) The Freedom readership survey / Who will be the anarchists? (Tristram Shandy) Reflections on Mass Media (Martin Small) Attachments AnarchyNo.12_text.pdf (3.09 MB) AnarchyNo.12.epub (70.65 KB) (97.7 KB) Who Are The Anarchists? / The anarchist Book traversal links for Anarchy #012 Summerhill education versus standard education - A. S. Neill Up Who Are The Anarchists? / The anarchist Printer-friendly version mobi epub PDF Comments
The revolution of everyday life - Raoul Vaneigem Raoul Vaneigem was one of the most important thinkers within the Situationist International as well as frequent editor of their journal…
Reading capital politically - Harry Cleaver Harry Cleaver's seminal work on forming a practical, political interpretation of Marx's Capital.
1980: The Remaking of the American Working Class - Loren Goldner The changing nature of capital and its exploitation.
Capital - Karl Marx The complete text online of Marx's Magnum Opus, Capital: a critique of political economy, a devastating critical analysis of capitalism.
Beer and revolution: The German anarchist movement in New York City, 1880-1914 - Tom Goyens Tom Goyens' book on the German-speaking anarchist movement in New York City in the…
Q - Luther Blissett Set in the time of tremendous religious and political upheaval caused by the Reformation in Europe, Q begins with Luther nailing his 95 theses on…