Anarchy #15 1974

The fifteenth issue of the second series of Anarchy magazine, on Soft Cops.

Submitted by Reddebrek on February 27, 2019


  • Editorial
  • Social Workers - Charlotte and Kathy
  • That's All Very Well, But (response to "Social Workers") - J
  • Alternative Probation - Dave Pickup
  • Soft Cops Down at the Social Security - Charlotte Baggins
  • Why I'm Anti-Intellectual - Kathy Perlo
  • Anarchy In The Navy - Peter E Newell
  • Letters
  • Review: Antonio Tellez's Sabate: Guerilla Extraordinary - P.C. Plodd
  • Review: The New Technology of Repression: Lessons From Ireland - John McGuffin
  • Licence To Ripp Off Children (Social Workers)

