The pilot (and only) issue of Angry - a Class War affiliated newsletter produced in London. Critiques of the peace and anarchist movements and the left, Class War press coverage, the miners strike, rioting, etc.

PDF courtesy of Spirit of Revolt Archive in Glasgow. was only when I got into [anarcho punk band] The Apostles I would say I developed an understanding of what “real anarchism” was/is. Around that time, 1983, I found the anarcho-punk scene changed quite a lot and seemed to have lost a lot of its appeal so I ceased producing Guilty of What? and published the “militant anarchist” paper called ANGRY! which only ran for one issue but was given away with the first run of The Apostles 5th EP on Mortarhate Records as I had started drumming for the band by this time. - Chris Low interviewed for DIY Conspiracy.
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