A layperson's guide to the complex and frustrating financial world - from a Marxist perspective. Copied to clipboard Attachments Red Pepper finance guide.pdf (926.85 KB) economics finance Jack Copley Red Pepper PDF Comments
Money and Crisis: Marx as Correspondent of the New York Daily Tribune, 1856-57 - Sergio Bologna Sergio Bologna on Marx's writings on capitalism and crisis in the world recession…
Chapter 1 of the first edition of Capital: The Commodity - Karl Marx Translation of The Commodity the original chapter 1 of the first edition of Das Kapital.
The Marxian Concept of Capital and the Soviet Experience - Paresh Chattopadhyay Paresth Chattopadhyay's book elaborating on Marx's concept of capital and applying it to the economy…
A world without money: communism - Les Amis de 4 Millions de Jeunes Travailleurs Un Monde Sans Argent: Le Communisme was originally published in three parts, as three separate…