Leafletting and sit-down protest at the French embassy in Brazil. Photos from http://paris.indymedia.org/article.php3?id_article=56520 Copied to clipboard demonstrations South America Anti-CPE protests Brazil Comments
Anti-CPE Movement: Marseille, 4th April 2006 Photos of the April 4th 2006 demonstration against the CPE in Paris. Photos from http://www.flickr.com/photos/cudmore/.
Deputies examine CPE replacement text as smaller demos continue The deputies have this evening started to examine the private bill which replaces the CPE tonight.
In Brazil, demonstrations against transport price increases: police repression provokes the anger of youth An article written by group of the International Communist Current in Brazil on the recent wave of protests sparked by public transport price rises.
Anti-CPE Movement: Paris, 9th March 2006 Photos of the March 9th 2006 demonstration against the CPE in Paris.
Anti-CPE Movement: Paris, 16th March 2006 Photos of the March 16th 2006 demonstration against the CPE in Paris.
Anti-CPE Movement: Nice, 18th March 2006 Photos of the March 18th 2006 demonstration against the CPE in Nice. Photos from http://thibautcho.free.fr/ and http://paris.indymedia.org/.