[AW2024] About an Antimilitarist Meeting in Prague in May 2024, the Action Week


Source in German: https://panopticon.noblogs.org/post/2024/08/02/ueber-ein-antimilitaristisches-treffen-in-prag-im-mai-2024-die-action-week/

“I always thought everyone was against war until I found out there are those who are all for it, especially those who do not have to go there.” Erich Maria Remarque

Submitted by Guerre de Classe on October 11, 2024

“I always thought everyone was against war until I found out there are those who are all for it, especially those who do not have to go there.” Erich Maria Remarque

Since the beginning of the invasion/aggression of the Russian armed forces in the Ukraine – although the conflict there has not been going on since 2022, but since 2014 –many groups, parties, organizations, initiatives, individuals of the radical left of capital have, whether formally or informally and according to their position/theory/ideology, rallied to one of the warring parties and justified this war. This means to ideologically justify and defend the interests of one faction of capital.

Whether it is the so-called “pro-Russian” position, which is not criticized enough, which defines itself as the anti-imperialist position, which is very widespread worldwidely and legitimizes the invasion of the army of the Russian Federation into the Ukraine by encircling NATO member States. According to this view, it is a war against the imperialism of NATO, i.e. the USA and its puppets. In this narrative, only imperialism plays a role, the constraints of capitalism that precede it play no role at all. How evil the West is.

Or the so-called “pro-Ukrainian” position, which is also criticized too little, which also defines itself as an anti-imperialist position, only with the addition of the so-called national liberation, as the final liberation from the Russian imperialist yoke, which must defend itself against Russia’s deterministic imperialist constraints. As if it was a war against Russian imperialism, which is trying to achieve a new empire by force of arms. In this narrative, neither capitalism nor the imperialist constraints that go hand in hand with it play any role at all. How evil the Russians are.

And finally, the so-called “pacifist” position, which longs for nothing but the peaceful war of capitalism, in which thousands of refugees drown in the Mediterranean, thousands and thousands of refugees, driven by misery, hunger, environmental disasters – all caused by capitalism – cross the Sahara and are thrown by smugglers along the way, thousands worldwide starve to death, are exploited, etc. This position wants an end to armed and military conflicts and wars, but does nothing away with their causes. This position thinks that capitalism can carry out its massacres on all species on this planet without armed force. Because peace is only a ceasefire in an endless war. This is what history teaches us, this is what the rule of capitalism teaches us.

Since the start of this latest war, one of many that make thousands of workers in trenches swallowing barbed wire and bullets for the interests of their national bourgeoisie, not very many groups, initiatives, organizations, formal or informal, have made the case that all wars are just the wars of capitalism, that they only express and protect the interests of one ruling class against another in the spirit of Clausewitz, that wars are a fundamental expression of capitalism to solve economic crises, whether caused by excessive accumulation of commodities, the loss of value of commodities, and new development/control/defense through monopoly of new markets, etc. In this regard, the current State and its ideologized embodiment – the nation – plays a fundamental role to make workers, by means of false antagonisms and dichotomies (fatherland, nation, race, faith, people, patriarchy, etc.), kill each other for the interests of those who exploit them in their own country, lock them up in jail, evict them from their homes, etc., and to ensure that those who actually suffer the same capitalist reality massacre each other. Class society not only divides us into classes, but the ruling class divides us – we, workers – yet again by means of racism, borders, nations, cultures, patriarchy, etc., in order to serve only its interests. Democracy plays an enormous role in this, because it unifies society, which is divided into classes, by making antagonisms disappear. It also creates a false human community around the State, the nation and the people, because in the end we are all free citizens. We have the right to choose [and to vote], to be free to decide where we are exploited, and so on. But we also have the duty, according to Hegel, to kill for our country when it calls us to fight under the flag of our nation.

In order to discuss these issues, as well as many others that have not been mentioned, in order to discuss how a revolutionary movement could deal with these issues, how to fight against capitalist war and peace, how to fight against the false critics of the latter, a call was made to meet at the end of May 2024 in Prague at the Action Week.

We from the Berlin Anarchist Bookfair and from the Prisoners’ Solidarity Group also tried as much as possible to help spread the word about this meeting by translating many of the announcements and texts, by talking to people about the need for such a meeting, because we consider the concern of this meeting to be very important, because it should also be an important concern of this meeting that revolutionaries from all over the world could meet, with an important focus on Eastern Europe in particular, and we still consider the intentions and the points that this meeting proposed to be correct. So, the meeting not only had an internationalist character, but clearly defended internationalism, which is once again of enormous importance today.

Precisely because internationalism is usually understood as an accumulation of different national liberation movements (nationalist and reactionary) or as an accumulation of different nations and nationalisms, as it was the case in the Comintern, and this does not correspond to its revolutionary intention, according to the motto that the proletariat has no homeland; but suddenly and once again, it does have an infinite number, where in the end only the interests of the emerging ruling class are defended.

It was certainly very ambitious, especially because various anarchist and (left) communist groups, initiatives, organizations and individuals, as well as different tendencies within them, were invited to the meeting – only the organizers know the exact reason for this – where the common denominator was sometimes only the general, but nevertheless correct, rejection and criticism of capitalism’s war and peace. So, it was quite an ambitious project, perhaps even too ambitious.

A whole week of actions, rallies, demonstrations and discussions were to take place.

As we have already mentioned, there are reformist and counter-revolutionary groups and individuals who, somehow like the wolf in sheep’s clothing, masquerade as revolutionaries, as irreconcilable enemies of capitalism and the State, but in reality, they are nothing but their bloodhounds. There are, as described before, Marxist-Leninist groups, parties, etc. – i.e. the left of capital – who defend or legitimize the invasion of the Russian Federation, but there are also those false anarchists – in this case also the left of capital – who do the same on the side of NATO and the Ukraine. The latter hate and despise all those who publicly criticize and attack them for their false anarchism and their incoherence. Which is logical, since they want to receive absolution for what they are trying to defend in the name of anarchism.

But the latter voices are more widespread and louder in Eastern and Central Europe, unlike in other places in the world where the widespread attitude is to stand unconditionally behind Russia. Typical Manichaeism of anti-imperialism, where everything that is against the US and NATO is good, no matter how reactionary and counter-revolutionary it may be. All positions that we consider wrong and counter-revolutionary, in this war as in every capitalist war and capitalist peace.

In the meeting that should have taken place in Prague at the end of May, at least as it was announced, it was precisely this conflict that escalated, between those who are in favor of the destruction of all nation-States, capitalism, patriarchy, etc., and those who defend them. We say “escalate” because since the beginning of this war, which has already cost the lives of thousands of workers from Ukraine and Russia, of refugees from all over the world who have signed up as mercenaries with the promise of better citizenship, of prisoners who have been taken out of jail and promised their release if they survive these massacres, there has been an international dispute about this, with two antagonistic positions facing each other.

We will not go into how these NATO anarchists, which is a euphemism to say the least, denounce and defame all revolutionary anarchists (more on that later), but it is important to emphasize once again how energetically they are trying to fuel this debate with morality, as well as with lies, because there can be no question of content here; but in Prague this conflict reached another zenith.

Whether by coincidence or not, on the same weekend an Anarchist Bookfair was to take place in Prague, which made it clear from the very beginning that Action Week and it had and would have nothing to do with each other1. Whether co-organizing it or not, but the Anarchist Federation (AFed) of the Czech Republic had already made its pro-war stance clear in several places2 and had labelled all the initiatives and groups it located in the territory of the Czech Republic (whether this was true or not was downright irrelevant), such as the Antimilitarist Initiative (AMI) and the group Tridni Valka (Class War), to name a few examples, as shadow groups, as groups and initiatives that nobody would know and that were not part of the anarchist movement. What an absurd, infantile and ridiculous accusation; we don’t know the AFed either, therefore it doesn’t exist?

This is just another example of how those who call themselves anarchists but are just the watchdogs of capital and the State, and who pretend to want to discuss with everyone, have to attack and defame anyone and anything that holds a mirror up to them by criticizing their warmongering attitude, which AMI and Tridni Valka among others have done repeatedly.3

Another accusation from the AFed was that Action Week would in reality turn out to be just a huge bubble and a hoax, that the translation of the calls into twelve languages4 was just an illusion, etc., all this was spread by these warmongering groups. They wanted to discourage anyone from going to this meeting.

If anti-militarism as well as the global perspective and necessity of social revolution is defended by a minority, all anarchists in the world should ask themselves whether this question is relevant according to the measuring unit of minorities and majorities or if it is simply a question between the enemies and the defenders of all nation-States and capitalism.

As described before, we have also heard several such rumors here in Berlin since the beginning of the war about other groups that are troublesome for these warmongers, especially in Eastern Europe, who are either called dogmatic nutcases or insignificant. An example would be the Kharkov Assembly group or the anarcho-syndicalist organization from Russia KRAS-IWA. There have already been incidents where the names of members of troublesome groups have course plays directly the game of repression.

For us, these are nothing but police methods; any “anarchist group” that uses such methods immediately ceases to be such a group if it takes this path, for whatever reason. They are merely auxiliaries of the State.

Conflicts were already brewing before the meeting and the organizers drew attention to the fact that a solidarity event had to be cancelled for reasons unknown to us. We honestly say unknown reasons because we don’t want to pay attention to many of the rumors.

The meeting in Prague, the beginning of a disaster

We could only get there on Friday, but we were already told on Thursday by people who were in Prague that the meeting was an absolute disaster. At a rally and a demonstration that should have taken place as part of the Action Week, none of the organizers were present, there were problems with the accommodation, many people came from outside, and finally the school for the meeting (official conference venue), which was already rented in February 2024 for the days in May, had terminated the contract.

In any case, a huge problem was looming, because due to the bad weather, it was raining and heavy rain was forecast, the discussions could not be held in the open and there was still the problem of accommodation. We drove to the school where the meeting was supposed to take place and found no one there. We were told that an alternative location could be found and the meeting could take place there and that they would see what all the individuals, groups, etc. present could do.

A meeting full of generals without armies

Looking back, Friday and half of Saturday had a whimsical touch of the Monty Python’s Life of Brian movie; we ourselves were annoyed at first, but very quickly amused ourselves, the situation itself forced it and we also like to laugh.

So, we arrived at this alternative meeting point – at this point it must be said that some of the participants may dislike our description, even find it absurd and/or unnecessary, but we don’t care, we are not revealing anything important, but want to be able to formulate our criticism more comprehensibly and in more detail with this description – and met a conspicuous cluster of people sitting in a circle. The way we were greeted was more like an interrogation by the Cheka, asking who we were and where we came from. The mood was understandably sour. A legitimate question, if it is also reciprocated, but it was obvious and clear that tempers were running high. We were no better off, we were also annoyed by the chaotic situation.

After the formalities, a person approached us and explained the situation. No one had apparently seen the organizers, no one knew who was organizing the Action Week and everything seemed very much improvised. Making a virtue out of necessity, they still wanted to hold a meeting and discuss. We wondered whether the organizers had even been informed of this location and how other participants were supposed to find the place.

For us, not only was the situation absurd, but we kept getting very contradictory information and could do little or nothing to verify or confirm what we were being told. For us, at that moment, it was much more important to find out how and why the situation was the way it was, rather than spouting out absurd internationalist statements, which was the case, and which we think is absurd either way at a meeting.

So, the meeting went on, where everyone present presented their analysis of the reasons for the war and how wars should be fought in general, with an exact time to the second – it was five minutes. As we had arrived late, we could not take part in deciding how the meeting would take place. So, we were somewhat torn between misinformation and statements against the war.

Most of the statements were not only surreal to us, but they filled a chaotic situation with empty fighting slogans and empty analysis rather than discussing more specific issues with each other.

Over the hours, more and more groups and individuals appeared, encountering the same chaotic situation, until it was said that the organizers of the meeting would show up soon. Hate slogans against Tridni Valka were uttered by individuals, threats of beating were made, although it was still not clear whether these groups had even organized this meeting directly on the spot.

Now it was also rumored that the whole meeting was sabotaged and boycotted by the Anarchist Bookfair, the Anarchist Federation and other NATO anarchists. By the way, pro-war events were organized there by ABC Belarus, Solidarity Collectives… among others.

They put pressure on the school management so that the meeting could not take place. The meeting was portrayed as pro-Russian and violent. The latter in the context of a text published on the website of the congress, where the attacks of such groups and individuals were already pointed out and that they would defend Action Week against such attacks and provocations.

The people who had arrived amidst accusations and hostility suggested that a room be organized for Saturday, which would not be sufficient for the original meeting, but where the discussions could take place. “Liars”, “fuck off”, “you have nothing to say here anymore, the people have spoken” and the like were shouted. A situation that was by turns amusing and pathetic, at least as far as the behavior of those present was concerned.

We didn’t realize it at that moment, but it was very clear that in this already chaotic situation, there were groups trying to break up the meeting from the inside in addition to the attacks by NATO anarchists, where other conflicts between groups were being fought out at the time. First and foremost, Left communist groups.

Although attempts were made to save the meeting as much as possible, the situation escalated in a theatrical way that could only be accompanied by popcorn. There was a woman standing next to us who even said that the people who had just arrived looked like cops. We quickly rebuked her and said that she shouldn’t make such accusations out of nothing.

It was clear that the meeting, as it should have taken place, had failed, it was just a question of how the rest of the time (Saturday and Sunday) could be saved. From our point of view, only very few people took care of this and made the impossible out of a very precarious situation in order to allow the Action Week to take place.

All the while, some kept repeating that the location for Saturday was also invented, that it would probably be a cave in the forest (“like some kind of Mordor”), that nothing was planned, that tomorrow would be a repeat of Friday. Some of those present – those irritating Left communist groups – began trying to control the masses and suggested an alternative meeting for Saturday. We were running low on imaginary popcorn and were hoping for a fight, which would have made the whole thing even more amusing, but it didn’t happen.

In any case, we were hoping for a better day to come.

Saturday, the even more absurd continuation of Friday

It soon turned out that Saturday was the continuation of Friday. We went to the meeting point where we thought the meeting proposed the day before should have taken place. But we had ended up at the “alternative” meeting, mea maxima culpa; except for the walking through Prague, it was all for naught. After more declarations, after more historical slogans, after more speeches full of hatred against the organizers, the bunch headed towards a place, outdoors, where we were supposed to discuss with each other.

All the time we just wanted to know where the other meeting was, we just wanted to get away as quickly as possible. The Left communist groups had achieved their goal, the constant back and forth, the misinformation, the rumors; everything had led to the people no longer knowing what to do in a city they didn’t know. From that moment on, Action Week had definitely been blown up, from the outside and from the inside.

The absurdity then reached its climax when it was to be discussed whether the pitiful remnant of people who were left agreed or not whether this was a kind of Zimmerwald Conference 1915 or not. We were just waiting for the address of the venue for Action Week, and when we got it, we buggered off as fast as we could. Not only was the situation so disheartening but also confusing – indeed, some of the attendees were suddenly planning to go to the Anarchist Bookfair, which was also responsible for this situation. From our side, we pointed this out to people, but since they seemed to have no idea about the conflict and didn’t want to believe us, they went anyway. It was surreal.

Friday was a pain in the ass, half of Saturday too, but in the end, we had the opportunity to do what we went to Prague for. The discussions were very interesting and we were able to meet people from different countries with whom we had interesting and fruitful conversations and discussions.

Sabotage and attacks from the outside

An example of the confrontation we mentioned, here is the flyer that was displayed at the Anarchist Bookfair in Prague, flyer that we reproduce hereafter:

“Anti-War” Congress, Prague 24-26 of May

Anti-militarism can be different

We feel the urge to talk about the ideological difference between us, anti-militarist and “anarcho-putinists”, who are trying to be part of the international anarchist movement, but refuse to support Ukraine. There is still not enough reflection about sabotage of “anarcho-putinists” and its consequences. This group, which emerged since the full-scale invasion, starts to be visible only today and unfortunately, has some influence on Western anarchist movement.

Adherents of “anarcho-putinism”, despite their support of refusal to participate in the war, rarely claim to be pacifists. They usually only say that the real enemy of anarchists is the capitalist class, and that workers’ fight against each other is contrary to international solidarity. They usually refer to the experience of World War I, pointing out that anarchists will never support either side of imperialist war. They are inspired by such anarchist classics as Malatesta or Nettlau, and they claim that Russian war in Ukraine is an imperialist war, and therefore anarchists should remain neutral and not support either side.

But why does “anarcho-putinists” attempt to apply the theoretical constructs of the anarchist classics to the current conflict doesn’t make sense? Most probably, because their interpretation of theory doesn’t correspond to reality. For example, Errico Malatesta writes in “Anarchists have forgotten their principles”:

“I am not a “pacifist.” I fight, as we all do, for the triumph of peace and of fraternity amongst all human beings; but I know that a desire not to fight can only be fulfilled when neither side wants to, and that so long as men will be found who want to violate the liberties of others, it is incumbent on these others to defend themselves if they do not wish to be eternally beaten; and I also know that to attack is often the best, or the only, effective means of defending oneself. Besides, I think that the oppressed are always in a state of legitimate self-defense, and have always the right to attack the oppressors. I admit, therefore, that there are wars that are necessary, holy wars: and these are wars of liberation, such as are generally “civil wars” – i.e., revolutions.”

The supporters of “anarcho-putinism” agree with the above, saying that the oppressed must fight against their oppressors. But they reduce oppression to economic aspect. However, to think that liberation is achieved only through economic expropriation and does not include the struggle for cultural autonomy is a primitive perception of the anarcho-syndicalist approach to self-liberation. Anti-militarist and anarcho-syndicalist Alexei Borovoy claimed that the preservation of cultural identity does not contradict anti-militarism:

“Militarism is a product of imperialism, a peculiar outcome of bourgeois-capitalist culture. And if militarism in inconceivable outside nation boundaries, it does not mean that any awareness by people of their uniqueness and self-affirmation of their individual existence, which is the main core of anarchism itself, is always associated with the burdens and immorality of militarism”. In other words, like most anarchists, he shared the idea that the participation of proletariat in the war, not as proletariat, but as people with their own distinctive culture is incompatible with the idea of unification and expansion, i.e. a manifestation of imperialism. Some people can defend their identity without infringing on the identity of others. Such war is, by definition, a liberating war.

And Malatesta, in his another essay, “The War and the Anarchists”, says:

“We abhor war, which is always fratricidal and damaging, and we want a liberating social revolution; we deplore strife between peoples and champion the fight against the ruling classes. But if, by some misfortune, a clash were to erupt between one people and another, we stand with the people that are defending their independence.”

In fact, many of the anarchist classical theorists see the national liberation struggle as deserving of anarchist support. Ukrainian anarchist Denis Khromyi wrote an article about it: “Vadim Damier’s Myth of Classical Anarchist Internationalism”, which thoroughly proves that the war of liberation includes not only economic revolution, but also the defense of national identity and regional autonomy, and that the main oppressor of Ukrainian people at this point is not the national bourgeoisie, but the imperialist Russia, claiming for “historical lands”.

It is widely known that anarchists support cultural diversity and economic autonomy of individuals. Therefore, when we, anti-militarists, say that we support Ukrainians in a war for their independence and freedom, we don’t want to exterminate Russian people. We want to preserve the cultural and political independence of Ukrainian people, who are suffering from Russian military aggression, and who are facing the threat of assimilation and extermination by Russian State. We collectively express solidarity with Ukrainians not only as representatives of the oppressed economic class, but also as individuals and as representatives of regional communities with diverse linguistic and cultural traditions.

Russian aggression can’t be stopped by freezing the frontline, as people on occupied territories will continue to face repressions based on ethnic identity. Ukrainian man on occupied territories will be first to be conscripted on the next Russian attempt to attack Ukraine and will be forced to fight their own people, as it happened in Donetsk and Lugansk.

When “anarcho-putinists” attack our anti-militarism, they promote the agenda of neutrality, or more precisely, indifference to war, they call the activists, who can assist and solidarize with the oppressed people of Ukraine, for indifference and neutrality.

As anti-militarists, we will never be neutral nor indifferent. We will continue to support Ukrainian people in their fight for independence and freedom, and encourage Russian people to fight against their repressive imperialist state!”

We are not complaining about the attacks, lies and twisted accusations of all these false “anarchists”, not at all, all people should be aware of their filthy methods and that these groups and people leave nothing out to achieve their counter-revolutionary goals; no, what we rather regret is that although it was clear that attacks would take place, no sufficient measures were taken by the organizers against them, i.e. to ensure their safety. The congress was on shaky ground and little was needed to completely sabotage it.

A reflection – our criticism and what’s next

Despite all the attacks from inside and outside, it can be clearly stated that the people on site were completely overwhelmed, which is understandable, and we can clearly ask the question whether they not only overreached themselves, but also overestimated the situation due to the constant attacks. We praise their enthusiasm for trying to make this meeting happen despite all the adversity, but it was apparently a miscalculation precisely because of these constant attacks. Not only could too few people not cope with everything, but also, as we have seen, the events led to the congress not actually taking place. And yet some groups turned all the stones that could be turned so that the meeting could take place not only on Saturday but also on Sunday. Not only was the effort great, but the costs were also very high. This is something that is taken for granted, but we know very well that this is not the case, because very few groups and individuals behave like this nowadays.

However, we must not forget that even if everything had worked out with the premises, the meeting would not have been any better due to the presence of some unwanted groups, including the ICT and the ICC. It would just have been different. We would have discussed the Zimmerwald Conference and whether or not we were the heirs until we dropped. As far as we’re concerned, we clearly say no.

We therefore believe that from the very beginning the organizers should have told the truth about the fact that they couldn’t get so much going on their own and what they did get going was on shaky ground.

Despite the bitter aftertaste of this weekend, however, this should lead to such efforts becoming more widespread, to collectively organize actions, struggles and campaigns against the peace and war of capitalism, to discuss, to build a community of struggle. Because the attempt to collectively and internationally build a community of struggle that defends and supports a common revolutionary and anarchist program is still necessary and important. The program of anarchy is clear, a classless society, without wage labor, nations, States, borders, value, armies, police, prisons, patriarchy, racism, money, schools, religions, wars, destruction of nature and other species…

We are pleased that we were there despite everything.

Our very favorite investigative reporter Peter Nowak

Peter Nowak, who was not in Prague at the congress, wrote two articles about the meeting that are completely false. We don’t understand how somebody can do something like that with a clear conscience; he published and spread false information, whether deliberately or not, for example:

“Contacts and interesting discussions would certainly have been guaranteed. But the repression prevented that. The school management canceled the rooms rented for the anti-war congress in February 2024 just a few hours before the scheduled opening. After some confusion, new rooms were found many kilometers away. Some participants were informed too late about the forced relocation of the congress. It was somewhat surprising that this massive restriction of the anti-war congress and thus an event of the anti-authoritarian left was not addressed and condemned at the anarchist book days. There was even no mention of a protest resolution, let alone other actions.” Gegen Staat, Kapital und Militär in Prag [Against the State, capital and the military in Prague]

Or as in the article “Prague Zimmerwald Conference: Thoughts on the anti-military Action Week – Against all cross-fronts, whether for capitalist peace or capitalist war”, it is also more important for him to talk about the Zimmerwald Conference.

Just a few words for those who still don’t get it, the Zimmerwald Conference of 1915 was neither revolutionary nor anything else; it was a meeting of the pitiful remnants of the Second International who did not follow the war drums of the countries they either ruled or sought to rule. What the majority of those present at the conference wanted at that time, however, was a peace agreement between all the warring parties. A plea was made for capitalist peace. We therefore do not know what is so exciting about this conference. But a discussion of it would be a text in itself.

Oh yes, nobody seems to have noticed, nor did we, that the Anarchist Bookfair of Berlin-Kreuzberg will take place on exactly the same days as the Zimmerwald Conference, namely from September 5 to 8, only 109 years later and completely antagonistic in terms of content.

And finally…

Just as a reminder, this is not the first time that “anarchists” have called for war, because already in the World War I Kropotkin and others called for fighting against the imperialism of the German Empire, although they did not deny that France, the British Empire or the Russian Tsarist Empire were imperialist powers, as the “anarcho-militarists”, the “NATO anarchists”, etc., are doing.

So here are a few lines from a group of anarchist communists from what was then the Russian Tsarist Empire, who expressed their views on this in exile in Switzerland and which have lost nothing of their significance:

“And after all this, Kropotkin and the other authors of the manifesto still call themselves anarchists and anti-militarists! Those who call on the people to go to war can be neither anarchists nor anti-militarists.

They are defending a cause that is alien to the workers. They do not want to send the workers to the front in the name of their emancipation, but for the glory of progressive national capitalism and the State. They want to destroy the spirit of anarchy and leave its remnants to the servants of militarism.

However, we remain at our post. We call on the workers of the world to attack their worst enemies, whoever their leaders may be – the Emperor of Germany or the Turkish Sultan, the Russian Tsar or the French President. We know that democracy and autocracy are in no way inferior to each other when it comes to corrupting the will and conscience of the workers. We make no distinction between acceptable and unacceptable wars. For us there is only one kind of war, the social war against capitalism and its defenders. And we repeat our slogans, which the authors of the shameful manifesto denied: Down with war!

Down with the power of authority and capital! Long live the brotherhood of the free people!

Group of Communist Anarchists of Geneva”
(Otvet, in “Put’k Svobode”, Geneva, May 1917, pp.10-11)

English translation: The Friends of the Class War / Die Freunde des Klassenkriegs

1 “Misinformation has begun to appear on the internet that the bookfair will be starting on 20th of May and that it is part of some sort of Days of Action “Together Against Capitalist Wars and Capitalist Peace.” It is not part of them and it will not be. We don’t know who wrote the text, who is organising the event, who is circulating it on the internet, we have not been contacted to participate in the event and to contribute to the text of the call. We have no confidence in this action.”

2 Two examples: https://www.afed.cz/text/7872/propadaji-anarchiste-valecne-horecce / https://www.afed.cz/text/7947/anarchiste-podporuji-pravo-ukrajiny-na-sebeurceni

3 (Class War & Anti-Militarist Initiative) What’s new in “anarchism”? National self-determination and the coincidence of interests with capital?! / (AMI) The left of capital is sabotaging the anarchist movement: let’s fight back!

4 “Together against capitalist wars and capitalist peace.” / ANTI-WAR CONGRESS / PRAGUE / 24 to 26 May 2024 /
