Proletarians “On the Home Front”! An internationalist call for working-class solidarity against war, from the Revolutionary Defeatist Network.
[alayhesarmaye] Syria, War, Partition, and the Fate of the Working Masses / CLASS WAR / We present here a short contribution from a group of comrades in Iran about the recent…
[Booklet] [PI] Clarifications on Revolutionary Defeatism The text we publish below is part of the next issue of our review Revolution, dedicated to…
I would prefer revolutionary internationalism A response to Wayne Price's ‘Should Anarchists Defend Ukraine? A Response to Bill Beech’ in Black Flag, Autumn 2024, Vol4.
[PHS] Internationalist leaflet against the war between Iran and Israel NEITHER WITH IRAN (AND PALESTINE) NOR WITH ISRAEL (AND THE USA)! FOR THE DEFEAT OF BOTH CAPITALIST…
21 Arguments for Open Borders - John Washington John Washington provides 21 reasons for open borders as part of the book The Case For Open Borders (Haymarket, 2023). Open borders for capital…
[AW2024] About an Antimilitarist Meeting in Prague in May 2024, the Action Week Source in German:…
Neither Zelenski Nor Putin… // POSTERS Let's Turn Capitalist War & Peace into World Social Revolution
[AW2024] Report from Prague About the Action Week and Anti-War Congress / Prague / May 20-26, 2024 / “Together against capitalist wars and capitalist peace.” First brief…
Against all wars… except “just” wars? The devastating effects of the lesser evil and anti-imperialism in anarchist circles November 2022 / [email protected]
Class War 16/2024: Proletarian revolt in Kenya – Against all bourgeois falsifications! The text we present here on the very recent wave of class struggle that swept Kenya (and is still…
What does a local group do? Our local No War But the Class War meeting in Newcastle decided to talk about what a local group should do, and read an old article called "What does the communist left do?" to kick off conversation. The article was very specific to the CWO so I made a reduced or condensed short version (below). I think this is the kind of thing it is important to say at this point: