These mottos express today the invariant position of the internationalist communists against this and all capitalist war: revolutionary defeatism and proletarian internationalism. Why?
➊ Because the capitalist war is always waged against the proletariat: in this case, if today the bourgeois State of Iran is attacking the territory dominated by the bourgeois State of Israel, it is above all to subdue the militant proletariat of the Iranian region itself; more precisely, to justify the repression of its struggles against exploitation (e.g. in the oil and health sector) and lead it to the slaughter of the war “in defense of the homeland”. The same goes for the proletarians of the Israeli region who refuse to take part to the war of their murderous bosses and to kill their class brothers on the other side of the border (those who are called refuseniks); as well as to the proletarians of the Palestinian region who protest against the bourgeois, starver and repressive government of the Palestinian National Authority and Hamas. Anyway, in every capitalist war the only winner is the bourgeoisie and the only losers are the proletarians of any country, since in reality this is not a conflict between nations, but a class conflict with an international dimension.
➋ Because the States make war to accumulate more capital, territory and power: in this case, if today the State of the Ayatollah bourgeoisie of Iran (partner of China) and the State of the Zionist bourgeoisie of Israel (partner of the USA) are disputing militarily and politically the territory dominated by their subordinate, the Islamist bourgeoisie of Palestine (and Lebanon), it is for the control of the labor force, oil and gas, industrial centers, ports, etc. of all that geographic zone of the world market called the Middle East. They also make war as an escape valve for the capitalist crisis or the fall of the rate of profit and world devalorization, reactivating industry and the arms trade, distributing and investing the surplus value extracted from the workers. This is the economic powerhouse of every imperialist war. And this war is no exception, with the aggravating factor that it could become a full-scale nuclear war.
➌ Because to be in favor of one or another capitalist State at war is to fall into the trap of false sides, nationalism, sentimentalism, confusion and opportunism. A trap promoted by the mass disinformation media which, to top it all, have made war something “normal” and even a distraction from other daily catastrophes. It is to fall into the terrain of the bourgeoisie and social democracy. It is an anti-proletarian and counter-revolutionary position that must be denounced and fought as such, above all against the motley lefts of Capital. “Anti-imperialism” and “national liberation” in reality have always been appendages of imperialist war and State capitalism (misnamed “communism”). On the contrary, we proletarians have no homeland and we communists always fight for the interests of our world class against and beyond the interests of any State, nation, “people”, religion, etc.
➍ Because under capitalism there is no “just war” or “holy war” between nations. The only “just war” that can exist is global class war to abolish capitalism, war and class society itself; that is, to transform imperialist war into international communist revolution. Obviously, many disasters, wars, revolts and insurrections are yet to come before we reach this point of no return. But it’s no less true or necessary in this epoch of economic, social, ecological catastrophe and, to top it all, imminent threat of nuclear war. Therefore, Communism or Extinction.
➎ Because, in spite of the world counterrevolution that still reigns, to maintain with intransigence the position of revolutionary defeatism and proletarian internationalism turns out to be a necessary, defensive and clarifying practice against the terrorism of the capitalist States at war as well as against the confusionist opportunism of the lefts of Capital that support them. A defensive practice until the world proletariat is capable to go on the revolutionary offensive and throw all States, markets, homelands, wars and classes into the dustbins of history. The proletarians in uniform as well as without uniform in the Russian and Ukrainian regions who today turn their weapons against their military leaders, who desert from “their own” armies, who protest against “their own” States and who organize internationalist networks of solidarity with the deserters, are the concrete and current example of revolutionary defeatism. The example to be followed by the proletarians of the Middle East and other war-torn regions of the planet.
Proletarios Hartos de Serlo
Ecuadorian region, October 2024
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English translation: The Friends of the Class War / Los Amigos de la Guerra de Clases