Chicago Tribune article on from February 25th 1979 on the Imperial Valley Lettuce Strike. Copied to clipboard United States strikes agriculture United Farm Workers Imperial Valley lettuce strike 1979 Comments
Account on the conditions leading up to the 1979 Imperial Valley Lettuce Strike An account by a farm worker on industrial background to the Imperial Valley California lettuce workers strike of 1979. Written for the National Ministry of Farm Workers.
Lettuce Strike Apparently Succeeding Despite Odds Washington Post article from 5th February 1979 on the Imperial Valley Lettuce Strike
Violence in the 1979 Imperial Valley Lettuce strike LA Times article from 1986 discussing the court hearings about violence deployed during the Imperial Valley lettuce strike 1979. The article is…
Review: Cesar Chavez, the United Farm Workers, and the Question of Unions in Contemporary Capitalism Loren Goldner's extensive review and analysis of Frank Bardacke. Trampling Out The…
Feb 26th 1979 report on the Imperial Valley lettuce strike Article published in the New York Times with the headlineLettuce Strike Crippling 40% of California Output
United Farm Workers' rank and file A podcast on the UFW's rank and file from Pacifica Radio's "Against the Grain" with Frank Bardacke, former farm worker and author of 'Trampling…