Bloomsbury companion to anarchism

A comprehensive reference work to support research in anarchism. The book considers the different approaches to anarchism and explains the development of anarchist studies from the early 20th century to the present. It is unique in that it highlights the relationship between theory and practice, pays special attention to methodology, presents non-English works, key terms and concepts, and discusses new directions for the field. Focusing on the contemporary movement, the work outlines significant shifts in the study of anarchist ideas and explores recent debates.

Submitted by Craftwork on November 20, 2016


Part I: Research on Anarchism
1. Introduction
Ruth Kinna, Loughborough University, UK
Part II: Approaches to Anarchist Research
2. Research Methods and Problems: Postanarchism
Saul Newman, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
3. Anarchism and analytic Philosophy
Benjamin Franks, University of Glasgow, UK
4. Anarchism and Art History: Methodologies of Insurrection
Allan Antliff, University of Victoria, Canada
5. Participant Observation
Uri Gordon, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and Ben Gurion University, Israel
6. Anarchy, Anarchism and International Relations
Alex Prichard, Coventry University, UK
Part III: Current Research in Anarchist Studies
7. Bridging the Gaps: Twentieth-Century Anglo-American Anarchist Thought
Carissa Honeywell, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
8. The Hitchhiker as Theorist: Re-thinking Sociology and Anthropology from an Anarchist Perspective
Jonathan Purkis, independent writer, UK
9. Genders and Sexualities in Anarchist Movements
Sandra Jeppesen, Lakehead University-Orillia, Canada, and Holly Nazar, Concordia University, Canada
10. Literature and Anarchism
David Goodway, previously of University of Leeds, UK
11. Anarchism and the Future of Revolution
Laurence Davis, University College Cork, Ireland
12. Social Ecology
Andy Price, Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Spain
13. Leyendo el anarchismo a través de ojos latinoamericanos: Reading Anarchism through Latin American Eyes
Sara C. Motta, University of Nottingham, UK
14. Geographies and Urban Space
Ian G. Cook, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, and Joanne Norcup, University College, London, UK
15. There Ain't No Black in the Anarchist Flag! Race, Ethnicity and Anarchism
Süreyyya Evren, Kultur University, Turkey
16. Where to Now? Future Directions for anarchist research
Ruth Kinna, Loughborough University, UK
Part IV: Materials for Further Research
17. Key terms
Matthew Wilson, independent academic and activist, with Ruth Kinna
18. Resources
19. Bibliographies, Reference Materials and Reading Lists
Reading Lists and Course Guides
Catalogued Collections
Reference Works/Encyclopedia
Documentary Histories
Review Journals
Academic Journals: Special Issues
Bibliographical Essays: A Guide to Non-English Language Sources
Works on Anarchism: The Low Countries
Bert Altena, Erasmus University, the Netherlands
Works on Anarchism: Anarchism in France
David Berry, Loughborough University, UK
Anarchism, Anarcho-Syndicalism and the Libertarian Movement in Spain, Portugal and Latin America
Richard Cleminson, University of Leeds, UK
Italian anarchism
Pietro Di Paola, University of Lincoln, UK
The Nordic Countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
Gabriel Kuhn, Austrian-born writer and translator
The Anarchist Revival in Russian Historiography
Martin A. Miller, Duke University, USA
Chinese Works on Anarchism in the People's Republic of China (PRC), 1949-2010
John A. Rapp, Beloit College, USA
Anarchist Literatures in the German-Speaking World
Peter Seyferth, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munich, Germany, and Gabriel Kuhn



8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Craftwork on November 20, 2016

Check-out the Resources (p.353). A very useful/impressive list.


8 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by altemark on November 20, 2016

Wow, I literally came across the resources list by chance when searching google books, thought "I need this". And now it shows up! Thanks.


3 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by Battlescarred on April 9, 2021

Ah, how Albert Meltzer would have frothed at the mouth about a lot of stuff in the book. And you know, he would have been right.