A pamphlet collecting stories and organising tips from the London Coalition Against Poverty, published in 2014. Copied to clipboard Attachments Building-mutual-support-LCAP-Pamphlet-2014.pdf (820.87 KB) Book traversal links for Building Mutual Support and Organising in Our Communities Community organising Up Door knocking guide Printer-friendly version United Kingdom community London Coalition Against Poverty community activity PDF Comments
Poll Tax Rebellion - Danny Burns Full scanned version of the definitive grassroots history of the mass working class movement which defeated Margaret Thatcher's poll tax. 17…
Beating the poll tax - Anarchist Communist Federation Beating the Poll Tax was a widely distributed booklet that encouraged and analysed the rise of mass…
Solidarity Journal #22/23 Winter 1989/90 Double issue of the London Solidariy Journal from the 1980s-90s. Articles include Tianamen Square and the 350 British solidiers executed by…
Citizen Participation vs Class Power: Thoughts on community organizing Ray Valentine talks about the limitations of the community organizing model. This article was first…
Sticking with it: razorblades and anti-fascist folklore - F. Bear Gwent Police have been instructing people not to remove offensive stickers. They want us to report…
The Raven #38: 1968 Summer 1998 issue of The Raven, with features on Paris May 1968 and other events of that year.