45 workers at Heathrow cargo handlers Nippon Express were on strike over pay and conditions this weekend.

Nippon Express Europe
Workers were offered a below-inflation 2.8% pay offer along with the following additional conditions:
1) 44 Days a year more work
2) Overtime rate on Sunday to be reduced to 25%
3) Holiday pay is reduced by 60 - 75 hours
4) Shift pay reduced by £326 (Day shift) and £512 (Night shift)
5) Loss of £1265 a year pay for some workers
6) A 1.7% below inflation pay rise
7) Stop of shift pay on overtime
8) 9hrs pay loss on bank holidays.
A one day strike on the 14th August was followed by two days this weekend.
Attempts have been made by some participants at the nearby Climate Camp to gain support for the strike by visiting the picket line two stops down from the camp itself.