By Albert Ehrenstein, this text was published in Die Aktion, No. 51/52, 1921

Dear God, we ask for a different ruler than death. We long for the world leader. I salute his red army. The great emperor Ashoka went forth in madness and became a blood-drinker and slaughterer and subdued India from sea to sea, from rock to rock with fire and sword. But this commander and wisest fighting elephant changed and purified himself, the conqueror was conquered by the Exalted Awakened One: Gautam Buddha. From then on, throughout his empire, from mountain to mountain, from sea to sea in India, no animal was killed, no innocent being was murdered under his moon-mild, enlightened — sobered rule
We await the world leader, the devil slayer, the soul shaper who will create the communist earth community: Early Christianity and Socialism, Ethics and Economics condensed into a unity of life.
One went out and was there, the last of the generals and blood-drinkers to become master: the great cannon, the Indian Napoleon. But he collapsed on his way, he betrayed his life to the art of war, he forgot the human being in the cannon hurricane, spilled his blood and forgot the world, the corsair thought only of himself, his son, his family: of his Corsican nephews. When he stood with his army in Egypt, in Asia, he could have been the liberator, the redeemer, the awakener, the Mahdi of the Orient, but he fled to Europe in a boat with his trade, cannon in his brain, the greatest robber captain.
He created laws, he had no law in him. He was only a builder of military roads, a hannibalistic, cannibalistic conqueror of the Alps, not a Herculean conqueror of himself, he was not a devil's killer, he did not kill the egotistical devil within himself, but myriads of people. Instead of marching into enslaved Europe as the General Marshal of the World Revolution and finally bringing freedom to the enslaved peoples as the Sun Emperor, the strategic werewolf rode demonically from battle to battle, from battle to battle.
After Waterloo, the fugitive would have loved to conquer America and discover the North Pole, but the bourgeoisie of Europe, sobered up after the murder, had no more sense for novels written in their blood and barracked the little corporal, the greatest of all sergeants, the barracks flower of the earth, General Moloch, for whom the continents were too small. The Lord of Paris had to free St. Helena.
We await the world leader, the devil slayer, the new Christ, the Christian Napoleon, who, if need be with fire and sword, with gas and poison, will ride into dehumanized Europe and give equality of birth, education and inheritance to the children to come.
To "order" Prussia, all that was needed was the schoolmaster bakel and strategic crutch of Frederick, the devotionally swallowed Ladstock, the bloodhound Bismarck, who drove the French and Austrians to the Ourgel. But we, on the ruins of these, need more than diplomats and generals, military leaders and political crusaders, empire destroyers and world judges. We need the great master builder who builds the house for all working people until the differences fade into nothingness under the shining sun and the free man finally grows into something.
The New World Order is born to you: the Cure is: the revolutionary Proletariat!