Italian journal 'Classe e Partito' edited by Franco Piperno, Asor Rosa and others. Copied to clipboard operaismo Franco Piperno Comments
Classe e Partito - Nov. 1966 Italian journal 'Classe e Partito' edited by Franco Piperno, Asor Rosa and others.
Classe e Partito - Supplement, March 1967 Supplement to Classe e Partito, the Italian youth-oriented workerist journal released in 1966.
The factory-society relationship as an historical category - Sergio Bologna Notes originally intended to preface discussion on the history of the working class in the Italian…
La « Garde rouge » raconte The centre of gravity of the workers’ committee movement in Italy in the late '60s to late '70s was the Milan area, and it was the committee of…
Workers and capital - Mario Tronti What has been translated of Mario Tronti's 1966 book, Operai e Capitale (Workers and Capital).
Storming the West - Celluloid Liberation Front Film theory on the spaghetti western films of the 1960s and 70s and how they were informed by the revolutionary conditions in the real world.