A collection of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s controversial articles and interviews from 1973-1975 on the “anthropological revolution” that transformed Italy during the 1960s and early 1970s, with its “development without progress”, “consumerist hedonism”, “false tolerance”, mass culture, impoverishment of language, neurosis, destruction of traditional peasant cultures (“cultural genocide”), “strategy of tension”, and phony anti-fascism, signaling the decline of the old fascism and the rise of a new, “permissive” fascism, a “Power without a face” that is the “worst kind of totalitarianism”.

Corsair Writings – Pier Paolo Pasolini.docx
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Corsair Writings – Pier Paolo Pasolini.pdf
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Corsair Writings - Pier Paolo Pasolini copy.epub
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Corsair Writings - Pier Paolo Pasolini copy.mobi
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Scritti Corsari - Pier Paolo Pasolini.pdf
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