Crises: Historical Forms of Their Appearance and Recuperation

Cover of Crises: Historical Forms of Their Appearance and Recuperation
Crises: Historical Forms of Their Appearance and Recuperation

Joao Bernado's 1975/1976 essay on capitalist crises.

Submitted by NYAOAM on March 22, 2022

Joao Bernado's 1975 essay on capitalist crises. Bernado was a militant with the communist group COMBATE in Portugal. This pamphlet was published in english translation in 1976, likely with the involvement of Phil Mailer.


CrisesJoao.pdf (16.82 MB)



2 years 9 months ago

Submitted by Steven. on March 22, 2022

Is there supposed to be a PDF attached to this or something?


2 years 9 months ago

Submitted by Fozzie on March 22, 2022

There was a PDF uploaded but the "display" box was not ticked. Have now done that.