From the End of Empire, to the Empire of the End - Julio Henriques English translation of a 1980s text which is a critique of both culture and the Portuguese left,…
Memories of the Portuguese Revolution in the Mid 1970s - David Wise Memories of underdevelopment and over development in Portugal, the UK and USA: A sort of scrambled…
Freewheeling reflections on Latin America - David and Stuart Wise Wanderings & Meanderings, Digressions & Detours: Freewheeling reflections on Latin America in…
Long live the "Barbarous Assegai" An article by Amadeo Bordiga defending the violence of colonized peoples in Angola From Il Programma Communista, the press organ of the ICP Italian Source
Crises: Historical Forms of Their Appearance and Recuperation Joao Bernado's 1975/1976 essay on capitalist crises.
Ferreira de Castro’s 'Emigrantes': An anarchist Portuguese novel responds to the myth of the ‘Brasileiro’ An article on Portugese anarchism and Ferreira de Castro’s nove Emigrantes.
Trust in the Capacities of the People, Distrust in Elites This book by Kenneth Good, published in 2014, argues for popular democratic control of society.
Views and Comments No. 31 (October 1958) The No. 31 (October 1958) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian…
Views and Comments No. 29 (July 1958) The No. 29 (July 1958) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian League…
What is the AIT-SP (Portuguese section of the International Workers Association)? A translation of the Portuguese section of the IWA's declaration of principles.
O Jornal Combate A reflection on the journal, O Jornal Combate by its participants 30 years later. Combate was a journal published during the Portuguese Revolution which assisted the working class in…
Portugal: between two stools - Groupe de Liaison pour l'Action des Travailleurs A critical account of the Portuguese revolution by the French Liaison Group for Workers' Action,…