Long live the "Barbarous Assegai" An article by Amadeo Bordiga defending the violence of colonized peoples in Angola From Il Programma Communista, the press organ of the ICP Italian Source
Ferreira de Castro’s 'Emigrantes': An anarchist Portuguese novel responds to the myth of the ‘Brasileiro’ An article on Portugese anarchism and Ferreira de Castro’s nove Emigrantes.
Views and Comments No. 31 (October 1958) The No. 31 (October 1958) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian…
Views and Comments No. 29 (July 1958) The No. 29 (July 1958) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian League…
What is the AIT-SP (Portuguese section of the International Workers Association)? A translation of the Portuguese section of the IWA's declaration of principles.
O Jornal Combate A reflection on the journal, O Jornal Combate by its participants 30 years later. O Journal Combats was a journal published during the Portuguese Revolution which assisted the working class in reflecting on their struggles
Portugal: between two stools - Groupe de Liaison pour l'Action des Travailleurs A critical account of the Portuguese revolution by the French Liaison Group for Workers' Action,…
On the passage of a few thousand people through a brief period of time - Edições Antipáticas The deployment of austerity measures in Portugal gives the context to several…
Quintal, Francisco Nobrega Do, 1898-1987 A short biography of Francisco Quintal, Portuguese anarchist militant, skipper and one of founders of the Federacion Anarquista Iberica
The revolution now and always - Miguel Amorós In this new Preface to the 2014 Spanish critical edition of Manuscript Found in Vitoria, Miguel Amorós discusses the historical background of the…
Youths in shorts and flip-flops throwing rocks at cops: Update from Lisbon Report on the struggles against austerity in Portugal, focusing on the street demonstrations and…