An article on Portugese anarchism and Ferreira de Castro’s nove Emigrantes. Copied to clipboard Attachments anarchiststudies26.1_01de_goes.pdf (199.93 KB) Brazil Portugal literature Plínio de Góes Jr Ferreira de Castro PDF Comments
1917-1918: The Brazilian anarchist uprising A short history of the attempted revolution in Brazil of 1918. The uprising failed when it was infiltrated by security forces, and the army did…
Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla English translation of a book originally written in Portuguese by Brazilian guerrilla fighter Carlos Marighella in 1969 with advice on how to…
Portuguese Diary 1: August 1975 - Maurice Brinton A diary by Maurice Brinton describing some experiences in Portugal during August 1975.
Buela, Juana Rouco 1889-1969 A short biography of Juana Rouco Buela, formidable fighter for women's liberation and anarchism
Anarkio: Bulteno Monata bulteno eldonas per grupo tio partorpenas en COB-AIT grupo por anarkismo-sindikatismo el Brazilo.