Cwmbach Miners & Women Speak Out (1984)

cover of "Cwmbach Miners and Women Speak Out"

A self-published pamphlet by a working class community in Wales during the miners strike. Topics covered include solidarity, scabs, policing, poverty for striking miners' families, the role of the unions etc.

Submitted by Fozzie on January 14, 2023

About this pamplet:

Cwmbach is a small community near Aberdare in the Cynon Valley, South Wales. The Miners' Relief Fund has been working since the start of the strike to provide food parcels for miners and their families. This pamphlet contains the views of some miners and women from Cwmbach. It is meant not only to publish these voices that are rarely if ever heard in our 'free' press and media, but also to raise as much money as possible for the Relief Fund. You can help by sending a donation, or taking further copies of this pamphlet (see inside for details).


Cwmbach.pdf (588.69 KB)



2 years 1 month ago

Submitted by Steven. on January 15, 2023

Just FYI Fozzie, the tag "Working Class Self Organisation", was for a blog which was hosted here for some years, so have removed that tag from this article


2 years 1 month ago

Submitted by Fozzie on January 15, 2023

Okey doke!