Der Ziegelbrenner, November 1918 Online-Archiv der Ziegelbrenner-Zeitschrift von Ret Marut, veröffentlicht in Deutschland 1917-1921. Copied to clipboard Attachments DerZiegelbrenner.pdf (15.9 MB) Ret Marut B. Traven Germany Deutsch publications Comments
In the Freest State in the World - Ret Marut (B. Traven) A satirical text about German democracy and the Munich Soviet Republic of 1919, in which Ret Marut …
Traven, B. – An Anti-Biography A short biography of the writer and anarchist, B Traven, also known as Feige, Ret Marut, Torsvan, Croves...
Marut, Ret: The Early B. Traven - James Goldwasser A 1990s article surveying the then recently-acquired Ret Marut archive, now residing with the University of California. The documents confirm…
Art as a weapon: Franz Seiwert and the Cologne progressives - Martyn Everett An account of Franz Seiwert and the 'Cologne Progressives', a group or circle of artists who…
White Rose documents All the leaflets published by the White Rose group of anti-fascists in Germany, including other documents and texts related to the group.
The death ship - B. Traven One of B. Traven's best known and earliest novels (first written in 1923 or '24). It's the story of a sailor who loses his papers and, unable to…