Der Ziegelbrenner, November 1918 Online-Archiv der Ziegelbrenner-Zeitschrift von Ret Marut, veröffentlicht in Deutschland 1917-1921. Copied to clipboard Attachments DerZiegelbrenner.pdf (15.9 MB) Ret Marut B. Traven Germany Deutsch publications Comments
In the Freest State in the World - Ret Marut (B. Traven) A satirical text about German democracy and the Munich Soviet Republic of 1919, in which Ret Marut …
Traven, B. – An Anti-Biography A short biography of the writer and anarchist, B Traven, also known as Feige, Ret Marut, Torsvan, Croves...
Marut, Ret: The Early B. Traven - James Goldwasser A 1990s article surveying the then recently-acquired Ret Marut archive, now residing with the University of California. The documents confirm…
The Actor and the King - Ret Marut/B. Traven A short story by the anarchist Ret Marut, who in later years became the well-known radical novelist B. Traven.
Traven, B., 1890-1969 A short biography of B. Traven, German underground author, anarchist and writer of the Treasure of Sierra Madre. [This article contains several factual inaccuracies and is typical of the many myths and half truths that have circulated concerning the mysterious B. Traven. For example, the date and location of birth given here are entirely speculative. For the known facts concerning Traven and a far more accurate…
Review of B. Traven's The Death Ship A communist in Australia reviews B. Traven's The Death Ship, and relates it to the 2002 attacks on the working conditions of maritime workers in…